A birthing doula’s role is to help you have a positive and safe birth experience.
During the months before birth, a doula can help you create a birth plan that’s right for you. She will also teach you how to advocate for yourself during labor. This is especially wonderful if you need to or want to labor in the hospital where you’re unlikely to have a close relationship with your medical team.
A birth doula also helps with:
Breathing techniques
Relaxation techniques
Laboring positions
Massage for comfort
Making sure you eat and drink enough
Letting you know when it’s time to go to the hospital or birthing center (if necessary)
What are the benefits of having a birth doula?
Many studies have shown that the addition of a doula to a woman’s birth team can benefit the mother in numerous ways.
A Cochrane review updated in 2012 compiled data from 22 trials of 15,000 women whose birth experiences included women who had different kinds of continuous support during labor or none at all.
The results? Women who had continuous support, especially from a doula, were more likely to have spontaneous vaginal births and less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, vacuum or forceps-assisted births, C-sections, or negative feelings about childbirth.
Other benefits include:
Increased chance of a positive childbirth experience
higher breastfeeding success rate
better maternal self esteem
lower blood pressure during labor
less pain experienced
If interventions are medically necessary, a doula can help support the mother emotionally so she can have a positive birth experience despite changes in her birth plan. She also can find ways to make it more natural in the midst of interventions.
If you would like to create your best birth experience click the link below.